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Your fees will be due the 1st of the month ONLY. We ask for post-dated cheques to ensure no late payments.


Entry to the Daycare
  • Please make sure that you are not entering the building prior to 7:00 a.m. If you are a family who arrives early, you must wait in the parking lot till 7:00 a.m.

  • Only Daycare Staff are permitted to enter the school and daycare prior to 7:00 a.m. as they have a number of tasks which need to be completed before the start of daycare


Dropping Off and/or Picking Up
  • Please make sure that when you are dropping off or picking up your child from daycare, the Staff in your child’s program has been made aware that you have either dropped off or picked up. We understand that families are sometimes in a rush, however a quick wave to a member of the Staff would be appreciated. Staff are busy as well so please make sure that at least one Staff in your child’s program has seen you drop off or pick up your child

  • Families are to walk their child into the daycare. Children cannot be dropped off in the parking lot and asked to walk into the centre independently

  • Children are also not permitted to walk themselves to the parking lot to meet their family


Parking Lot Etiquette

Please refrain from parking in spots designated for the Principal, Secretary and/or Caretaker. These three spots are clearly marked. You may park in any of the other spots available.


Washroom Use

Parents/Guardians are NOT permitted to take their children to the washroom designated for students' use. If your child has to use the washroom and you need to accompany them, you may only do so in the Staff washroom. Please stay out of the girl’s and boy’s washroom


Dressing Appropriately

A reminder that, weather permitting, the Preschool children spend two hours each day outdoors, while the Kindergarten and School Age children each spend an hour outside. Children must come to daycare dressed appropriately. 


Weather Conditions

The weather conditions can change quickly throughout the day. If the conditions require children to remain inside due to poor weather, staff will make a note on the outdoor program plan regarding the changes.


Children will not be permitted outside during extreme heat/cold and high UV Ray conditions, as well as thunder and lightning. The Centre will follow the current weather reports by Environment Canada and the directions by Poplar Road Public School.​


Extra Clothes
  • Your child should ALWAYS have a set of (seasonally appropriate) spare clothes in their locker

  • Spare clothes should also include underwear and shoes as unforeseen accidents may occur at any time


Families of Preschool Children

Please ensure that your child brings a cozy blanket which they may use during rest time. You are welcome to store it at the daycare


We are located in Poplar Road Junior Public School




Scarborough, Ontario M1E 1S4


We are conveniently open Monday - Friday

7am - 6pm

to serve our families' needs. 


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